12. October 2023

Cinema 4D 2024.1.0 Update

Maxon just release an update for Cinema 4D 2024

A number of Scene Nodes related issues were addressed with this update!

Cinema 4D 2024.1.0

From Maxon:

This update is highly recommended for all 2024 users.

Bug Fixes

Asset Browser

  • Fixed an issue with databases in the Asset Browser where adding a Watch Folder removed the database link from the Pose Library Browser


  • Fixed some issues with the Projection deformer where increasing the Offset parameter distorted the deformed object
  • Fixed a performance issue where using a Vertex Map controlled by a Fields list to restrict a Displacer’s deformation was causing an excessive CPU load
  • Fixed an issue with the Surface deformer not working with splines


  • Fixed an issue with the Merge Projects function where the Reflection layer of a Standard material was converted to a default Specular layer when merging another project
  • Fixed an issue with the Preferences where the target Renderer for Import/Export was not saved when closing Cinema 4D

Forger Plugin

  • Fixed an issue with Forger where the generators were not at the correct place when reopening the Forger file
  • Fixed an issue where a file name inside a ZIP archive was duplicated


  • Fixed an issue with numeric input fields where the sensitivity was too high when using a tablet
  • Fixed an issue with the Viewport interface where a single click into a manager panel with the middle mouse button would toggle the Viewport panel layout
  • Fixed an Issue with the Redshift AOV Manager where a scrolled window pane would jump to the top when changing a checkbox
  • Fixed an issue with the interface language where some strings would appear in the language of the loaded project instead of the selected Cinema 4D interface language
  • Fixed an issue with the XPresso Editor where the context menu was missing the Type to Search option
  • Fixed an issue with the Commander where type-to-search results were not sorted in the correct order


  • Fixed a stability issue with the Viewport preview of Shaders containing a gradient


  • Fixed an issue with the Bridge tool not working in Point mode without symmetry enabled
  • Fixed some issues with the Loop Selection tool not working properly with hidden polygons
  • Fixed an issue with Bezier Splines where the sequential number of a selected spline point was not displayed in the title of its Values and Tangents window
  • Fixed an issue with the Polygon Islands to Objects command creating an incorrect hierarchy of polygon objects
  • Fixed an issue with the Create Point tool where tool options in the Attribute Manager that work only in Edge mode were not greyed out in Polygon and Point mode
  • Fixed an issue with the Axis Center – View Center command placing objects behind the camera instead of in front of it
  • Fixed an issue with triangular Polygons where the Modeling Axis in Polygon mode was offset from the axis in Object mode
  • Fixed an issue with Loop Selection not working on partially hidden geometry
  • Fixed an issue with Edge selections also including additional unselected edges and points
  • Fixed a stability issue while using the Bridge tool interactively in the Viewport
  • Fixed an issue with the Split command where its keyboard shortcut was incorrectly available in Point and Edge modes
  • Fixed an issue with the Pre-Object Transform option behaving inconsistently
  • Fixed an issue with the Symmetrize Selection command not working with Edges in its Mirror (Subtract) mode
  • Fixed an issue with the Axis Center function not working correctly with Undo / Redo
  • Fixed an Issue with the Scale tool where the Ctrl key had no modifier effect in Symmetry mode
  • Fixed an issue with Spline point selections and the Round tool
  • Fixed an issue with the Connect object collapsing points when used with a Cloner
  • Fixed an issue with the Create Point command where some parameter interface elements in the Attribute Manager were not aligned properly
  • Fixed an issue with the Normal tag causing some shading artifacts when used with the Thicken generator
  • Fixed an issue with the Close Polygon Hole tool not working after switching between edit modes and using Undo
  • Fixed an issue with splines and the Round tool where the generated rounding tangents were not optimally aligned with the spline
  • Fixed an issue with the Pattern Selection tool where scaling an object would also scale the 4-arrow tool handles in the Viewport, making them impractical to control
  • Fixed an issue with the Undo keyboard shortcut not working while the Commander window was in focus
  • Fixed an issue with the representation of SDS Cages belonging to a Null hierarchy
  • Fixed an issue with the Bevel deformer producing spikes when in User Shape mode
  • Fixed an issue with splines and the Round tool where too small number for the Points parameter could irrevocably destroy the initial shape of the spline
  • Fixed an issue with the Spline Chamfer tool where the interpolation would overshoot the object shape
  • Fixed a stability issue with the Bridge tool when bridging several points
  • Fixed an issue with Normal Editing where some operations did not produce the expected results when Symmetry was active
  • Fixed an issue with the Subdivision generator in conjunction with the Polygon Reduction generator where applying Linear Pre-Subdivision caused the object to disappear in the Viewport
  • Fixed an issue with the Brush Selection tool highlighting hidden edges in the selection preview even when the Visible Only option was enabled
  • Fixed an issue with the Normal tag which had a redundant Enable checkbox that needed to be removed
  • Fixed an issue with the Normal tag where enabling the Use Fields option caused the object to appear uniformly black in the Viewport
  • Fixed an issue with the Normal tag where the Align Face to Vertex Normals command could not be undone
  • Fixed a performance issue with the Boole generator where enabling the Create Single Object option caused the program to freeze
  • Fixed a stability issue with Spline objects and Symmetry
  • Fixed a stability issue with Symmetry when creating and modifying Polygon selections
  • Fixed an issue with the Select tools where selections could be made in one edit mode although the geometry was hidden in another edit mode


  • Fixed a stability issue when rendering with Interactive Render Region or Picture Viewer
  • Fixed an issue with a Loft object flickering in the Viewport and still generating geometry when its child objects were removed
  • Fixed an issue where the applied splines of the PolyFX effector were ignored by the Cloner’s object mode
  • Fixed an issue with the visibility of a baked Cloner animation when moving the camera
  • Fixed an issue with the Cloner object and Alembic animation files used as cloned objects
  • Fixed an issue with Mograph Selection tags not working when inverted with Fields
  • Fixed an issue with PolyFX causing mesh polygons orientations to get garbled
  • Fixed a performance issue with the Particle Emitter when used as the source of a Matrix object in combination with a Push Apart effector
  • Fixed an issue with the Matrix object in Object mode and the Distribution set to Volume
  • Fixed an issue with the Cloner object where splines cloned in Radial mode were visible in the Viewport only every other frame
  • Fixed an issue with the Cloner object showing index numbers even after it was disabled
  • Fixed an issue with a Vertex Map where a Shader field using a Material tag would not display a Spline shader properly
  • Fixed a stability issue when opening Cinema 4D
  • Fixed an issue with the Align Clone setting of the Cloner object


  • Fixed an issue with a Cloner degrading the performance of an animated asset
  • Fixed an issue with the Memory Node not working correctly in capsules
  • Fixed a refresh issue in a Node setup where no refresh was triggered to get correct values
  • Fixed a refresh issue in a Capsule setup where no refresh was triggered on Fields transformation
  • Fixed an issue with the naming of a selection after converting a capsule
  • Fixed a refresh issue with the Value Node output not refreshing properly on data type change
  • Fixed an issue with the Floating IO Output Node not generating a mesh
  • Fixed an issue with the Color Picker window not having a title when opened via the right mouse button in the Node Editor
  • Fixed an issue with the Node Editor where saving an Asset would not select the Nodes category by default.
  • Fixed an issue with the Node Editor where adding an input from the Asset Browser to a group with grouped inputs would break the input grouping of that group
  • Fixed an issue with the Resource Editor where Separators could not be created anywhere outside the Input group
  • Fixed an issue with the Resource Editor where adding a new Group UI element would cause all other Group UI elements to be unfolded
  • Fixed an issue with the Memory Nodenot always working consistently in setups
  • Fixed an issue with the Time Nodenot displaying correct values
  • Fixed an issue with the Connect Nodewhen Geo Spline nodes were connected
  • Fixed an issue with Vertex Map Tags in the Object Manager caused by toggling Nodemodifiers

Node Editor

  • Fixed an issue with the Node Editor where highlighted nodes did not match the search term sufficiently
  • Fixed an issue with the Material Node Editor where closing a locked Node Editor window would prevent the Node Editor from being reopened by double-clicking the material
  • Fixed an issue where the mouse cursor remained visible when rotating the view after drawing a selection frame in the Node Editor
  • Fixed a performance issue with the Node Editor when creating a scaffold and then panning the scene graph


  • Fixed an issue with the Atom Array object where N-gons were only handled correctly with the Single Elements option disabled
  • Fixed an issue with the Atom Array object where unit conversions were silently rejected if they would make the cylinder radius greater than the sphere radius
  • Fixed a performance issue where loading a geometry-heavy project took a long time


  • Fixed an issue with the Force Quit shortcut on Windows


  • Fixed an issue with Redshift Interactive Preview Rendering constantly refreshing when using a cached simulation


  • Fixed a performance issue with the Pyro option Initial Volume Set
  • Fixed an issue with Cloth Simulation on Apple M1 in GPU mode
  • Fixed an issue with Pyro where the Volume output would disappear from the Viewport
  • Fixed an issue with Pyro where Turbulence had no effect on the Volume output
  • Fixed a stability issue with the Particle Emitter object and the Show Objects option when playing the simulation in the Viewport


  • Fixed an issue with the Timeline where the playhead was erasing text and markers as it moved over them
  • Fixed a stability issue with the Timeline when selecting keys

UV Tools

  • Fixed a stability issue when adding a new UVW tag to an object


  • Fixed an issue with delayed Viewport updates when changing the camera coordinates indirectly by dragging the mouse within a numeric input field for a parent object
  • Fixed an issue with Viewport Solo not working for Render Instance objects
  • Fixed a stability issue with object selections on macOS
  • Fixed a stability issue with Rigid Body simulations on macOS
  • Fixed a stability issue with component mode selections and Subdivision Surface